Stonewisdom Trusted Products
Please note: Stonewisdom does not refer products or practitioners that we haven’t personally evaluated. Since we sell no products such as supplements, and never receive kickbacks or other consideration for our opinions, we are never in conflict. But we have had great experiences with so much! Below is a growing list of recommendations, our helping gift to you. See if any hold appeal.
EMF Protections
Electromagnetic Radiation
Electromagnetic radiation comes in many forms and from various sources such as wi-fi, cell towers and a significant many more electronic devices. These Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) can cause human electrical system interruptions, hinder sleep patterns, stress out pets and has a drastically more significant impact on children. The younger, the more impactful. However, there are other types of devices and items that can be used to tone down or neutralize this type of biological interference. These shops or items are some that we at Stonewisdom have found to be useful in our homes and those of our families and friends.
The Om Shoppe
The Om Shoppe has plug in home and office devices. They are portable and able to travel with you to anywhere, including on vacations! These blue LED night lights work even when the light burns out someday. We recommend one for every floor of the house. It has significant benefits to children and pets. They are approximately $100.
The Om Shoppe has other types as well, including wearable items. It is also one of our ‘go to’ places for vibrational help items, such as crystal bowls and triangles, salt lamps, etc. Their shipments comes well packaged and we have never had a problem including sending items off to those very important loved ones in our lives.
The Om Shoppe
4801 South Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34231
Dr. Valerie Nelson
Dr. Valerie Nelson provides products from The particular point of focus is her line of pretty and personal line of wearable EMF protections. Colorful stones wrapped in silver with many to choose from. They run approximately $20 dollars which includes the chain. They are delightful!
Micro and Radio wave Frequencies
Micro waves and radio waves are particular frequency levels of electromagnetic radiation. They impact on very particular levels and these recommendations are based on targeting those particular frequencies directly.
Hanna's Herb Shop
Hanna’s Herb Shop continues the product values of the late Dr. Hanna Kroeger. Dr Hanna Kroeger’s product lines and books can be found through this brick and mortar and online retail store. Based in a homeopathic method through her unique herbal combinations and was was trademarked as Vibropathics.
We highly recommend the following items:
Soma board: Used to raise vibrations in all food and drink. Used to increase taste.
Pico board: Re-hydrates food cooked or warmed in microwaves in 2 minutes. Good for canned foods and breads. Don’t eat dead foods!
Bioenergy disk: Use with reheated or microwaved coffees and food. Also foods that have been exposed to scanners. They are good for office use at a desk as they come in pocket sizes. Can also be used on the solar plexus.
Hanna’s Herb Shop
5684 Valmont Road
Boulder, Colorado 80301
Local # 303.443.0755
Toll free # 800.206.6722
Faraday Cages
Faraday cages are a grounded metal screen that surrounds a piece of equipment to exclude electrostatic and electromagnetic influences. These metal ‘cages’ go over things like your outside Smart meters and protects from radio frequencies that are known to have debilitating effects on humans and animals. A must have! They can vary in price and not all are created equal. Please make sure to do some research and testing with this type of product. They can also be made DIY, please check online for more information.
Accessories, Natural Care Products and Fun
Fun and Amazing!
Labyrinths are wonderful, meditative “puzzles” you can walk your way through in person, on paper, in sand or even electronically. For those of you who like immersive experiences, Florida alone has over 130 available labyrinths! We know of several in Michigan, as we have been there, as well. Also, Utah, California, Arizona, and upstate New York. All well worth the time!
Wands have always had a magical essence to them. Childhood stories tell of magical beings who with the whisk of their wand can grant wishes. Stonewisdom, however, does not have any magical wands, but we do have some recommendations for wands of different types that can create a unique magical experience of their own. They are fun and exciting for people of all ages. We use them with our adult children and our grandchildren and they always bring miles of smiles!
Stonewisdom Labyrinth Fun!
We have shared the magic of nature art and altar work, a living, breathing representation of your life. Labyrinth’s are similar solutions. It will show where you are currently “stuck” and the “why” of it. Take your thoughts, concerns or simply your well-deserved bliss to nature: find and walk the labyrinths near you! Then create your own. It is the labyrinth path or peace!
Visit where there are over 5,000 labyrinths registered worldwide.
Visit where you can download a finger labyrinth or take a virtual walk.
Flow Wands
Flow Wand Fun! Flow wands are simple and easy, but simply amazing! There are inexpensive DIY options that can be found on YouTube and other resources on how to create your own or you can just purchase them online. We do not have a retailer that we recommend as we make our own.
You can even find ‘light up’ flow wands for purchase online. Very easy and super fun!. Use them during drumming at the beach, parties and for people like us, gifting them to your grandchildren! We even helped our older grandchildren make their own! It’s that easy to get the hang of these!
Online prices may vary and DIY difficulty may vary based on skills and the depth of the wand creation.
Wind Wands
Wind wands create unique audio experiences. Wind wands make sounds that resemble that of a didgeridoo and a bullroarer, both of which originate from Australia. The wind wand in particular is good for clearing energy, drumming sessions on the beach and fun for adults and children.
Lark In The Morning
830 Gilman Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Jewelry and Accessories
Jewelry and Accessories need no explanation. Who doesn’t like to have a unique piece that stands out among the rest. We all love being complimented on a attractive or unique piece that gives our outfits or displays the right pop!
Cherz Designs
Cherz Designs by Cher crafts individually hand crafted pieces. From jewelry and accessories to sculptures, every piece will fall into the category of unique. You can find Cherz Designz on Her contact information is listed here.
Cherz Designs by Cher
Cherz Designs on Facebook
Essences, Oils and Other Natural Products
Nature has been providing health benefits and protections to humans and animals since the beginning of time. Through the ages the human race has made exponential advances to how we live in our everyday lives. Nature’s methods and designs have continued to run the mostly unchanged. However, through it all it has proven time and time again that things that are akin to our nature can have a significant impact to our well being if consumed and managed appropriately. Refined from Mother Nature herself, it is hard to ignore the benefits of natural remedies that don’t come with all the harsh and artificial filler.
Tree Frog Farm
Tree Frog Farm provides flower essences and oils, as well as customized orders through consultation. They are super nice people who produce all of their own high quality products. We are particular fans of the organ blends.
Tree Frog Farm
3679 Sunrise Rd
Lummi Island, WA 98262 USA
Flower Essence Services (FES)
Flower Essence Services provide a long line of flower essence based products to aid in the mind-body wellness. They have lovely sprays for all types of needs, including but not limited to animal rescues, post surgery, child tantrums and mood lifting. There are some transformational products we actively use from them.
Flower Essence Services
PO BOX 1769
Nevada City, CA 95959
PartySmart is for a better morning. A lot of us, if not most of us, enjoy having a drink with our friends and family. Sometimes there is too much drink as well. If you drink often, or seldom but occasionally indulge, take one of these before bed. It is a herbal remedy that is amazing at staving off hangover type symptoms.
PartySmart on Amazon
Disclaimer: This is a product of the Himalaya Drug Company, which we are not endorsing. We are providing this information to you, of the supplier, as we are advocating their product. This is a recommendation of the product and not of the manufacturer as we have no connection or tie to them in anyway and hold no opinion good or bad of the company outside of our direct experience with their product.
Practical Solutions
Practical Solutions
Practical Solutions could be defined as the simplest and most effective answer to a problem. Sometimes there is no problem, but a need or want to have something be more convenient, or something that is not so healthy to be healthier. As the world continues to evolve we at Stonewisdom have not only striven to advance ourselves, but sometimes simply enjoy things that are made so much easier than they used to be ‘back in our day’. These products will vary, but they have made what was maybe something a bit daunting just so much easier. So much more practical.
Air Fryer
Air Fryer, the fryer that doesn’t fry. If you are a family who likes fried or frozen foods, an air fryer is a quick and simple AND healthier way than traditional deep oil frying. They are said to use almost 80% less oil than a normal deep fryer or using a pot full of oil. I would say for health reasons this is a big improvement. They are stated to be good for everything, including baking. We have not used it for baking purposes, but overall we are impressed with what can de done in a healthier way. As brands are numerous and pricing varies we recommend shopping around to find a purchase that makes sense to you.