Activating the Activist

 In Articles, Blog

Welcome to our Stonewisdom blog! These writings are based partially on the shamanic and Spiritual experiences in our lives, and in answer to direct questions. We find ourselves recognizing Universal  answers in the last  glow of the Venice, Florida beach sunsets.  We hope you enjoy as well.

Did you know the USA has been rated the “fastest disintegrating democracy” in the World? Are you stunned hearing small children are being ripped from their immigrant parents? Or that the Supreme Court is being threatened with the addition of a misogynist, treasonous-President protecting appointee? Hawaii is drowning in ever increasing lave flow while unusual warm temperatures plague the World. The glaciers of Greenland are calving at unprecedented rates. Gasoline pump prices are up, for no legit reasons, and expected to continue rising. Unhealthy GMO foods are now advocated by a FDA that has betrayed the people.

It’s no wonder we can find ourselves sleepless, anxious, even depressed. What to do?

Certainly, the first thing to do is turn off the news. It is, by design, gruesome. If you must indulge, scan the internet or a magazine. They will both offer some mundane, even humorous content as well. The internet can lead you to soothing music, funny videos and reassuring stories.

What else can you do?

  1. Number one: always get out and vote wisely! Become informed. Follow your heart.
  2. Create a protest against a hardship issue or create a community celebration of something good in your locale. Bring like-minded, freedom thinkers together!
  3. Call your Senators.
  4. Text resist to 50409 for prompts and access to Congress
  5. Share useful, uplifting and actionable information on social media. Don’t spread Trump Terror stories.
  6. Boycott businesses that endorse bigotry or support our Russian-backed NRA.
  7. Give true but informative reviews online such as Yelp and others.
  8. Check Amnesty International and other sites for other actions.

Lastly, check yourself. Never passively accept racism, sexism, cruelty, bigotry or other oppressions for yourself or others. If someone accuses you of being a “hater”, consider the hidden kernel of Truth that might be there. Release it consciously, in your thoughts, words and actions. No judgment. No blame. This is your “awakening” process.

What not to do? Don’t waste your time arguing with narcissistic-leaning people that blindly follow Trump or Republican voting. Remember, Mr. Trump and his Congressional leaders are impudently meeting with Putin to design the splitting up of our peaceful EU ally & selling the USA down the tubes.

Do not stay quiet! Never ignore injustice, but pick your fights. We do know acquiescence by our silence could be the downfall of the USA, our global Allies and cooperative organizations such as the United Nations, G-7, and fair-trade countries that believe in us.

Do not doubt that you, your children, and your children’s children are being sold into Third World Fascism by the uber-rich, so they can be richer. If billions of dollars are not enough, than I am convinced their goal is World Domination. I speak about Mr. Putin, the World’s richest man and a very small handful of equally cruel dictators. They will discard the Trumpian buffoons.

It is up to us to be sure that they fail, and are disempowered. Keep Faith! Speak up. Act out. Know this darkness shall fall before the Light! Remain calm and compassionate.

BE a Light Ambassador in everything you say and do. BE a Light Warrior, for you are needed. It is why we are here, and we thank you.

We see you and we are in love! Our thanks to for this inspiration.


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