Keeping Hope in the Middle of Disaster
Welcome to the Stonewisdom blog. These writings are not contained to the shamanic, but expand in answer to the questions others have asked us, and also the musings and “downloads” that occur as we now contemplate with glowing insight the beach sunsets of Venice, Florida. We stand in love!
So, my good friends, how are you keeping your Spirits up lately? Does your belief system feel weakened by the barrage of seemingly bad news? If you feel like pulling the blankets over your head and hiding, Dear One, I’ve got some real news!
Yes, it seems as though the World has gotten selfish, divisive and frankly, more than a “tad” krazy! What is causing such an erratic global shift in such a seemingly short time? Only change, my friends. Only freedom after such enslavement could be so sweet and so chaotic. The rising rate of change is directly proportional to the rising vibrations we humans and the Earth can now hold. The light is strong and anchored. It takes very few of us with unlimited belief to ascend this World, and it is happening!
For those of you, or the ones you know, the haters, bigots, terrified, judgmental and short-sighted, no matter how wealthy or white or righteous or sheltered you believe yourself to be, we’ve all been asleep, captured in miasmas of illusions. Roll a log over and expose the rich, loamy earth. You will see all the micro-civilizations scatter. Observe the frogs and toads, grubs, worms, insects and other dank-earth life all running for cover, for “safety”. Place your shovel and overturn the soil. You will find more layers of simple and separate civilizations come to the surface to be seen. Once seen, we must be considered. We are all a part of the whole!
The myriad of belief systems mankind has developed, even the most egregious-seeming, such as the raping of young girls and babies is seeing light. It matters not whether these acts were religious as in seeing these girls as “expendable daughters of the devil” or a mistaken belief in a baby’s ability to cure AIDS. (Yes, please Google as I kid you not.) These are twisted acts of faith. Ways of searching as well as justifying the unjustifiable. All steps on paths towards remembering who, what and why we are here. Bringing light to darkness purges the putrid. Our internet is a delivery mechanism for dark truths, pictures, information, joys, horrors, amusements and actions. It must remain neutral and available, so we can see Hope in the recounting of every bit of negative news-if it’s being talked about, it’s come into the light!
If something upsets you, sign a petition against it. Vocally attend a meeting, write an editorial. Display ribbons and armbands and t-shirts. Fly your flag! Vote. Change is upon us and it’s HUGE! This is a cleansing. It’s happening with the force of a tsunami. Do not despair! Trust that every avenue of thought and belief is truly coming up and into the light for miraculous transformations! In the aftermath of all this global vomiting, my brothers and sisters, we will be the new creative force that re-images the phoenix rising once again out of humanity’s ancient ashes!
This is not a time to return to the broken “what was”, but to create in this Now moment the glory of “what will be”! We see you in that future. You are here and you are needed. We thank you. We see you and we are in Love!